Kenya Dog Lovers

Kenya Dog Lovers

Owner:Steve Mwangi

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About Us

Kenya Dog Lovers is a thriving agribusiness dedicated to sustainable rabbit farming and value-added products such as high-quality rabbit meat, urine for organic farming, and premium breeding stock.

Our Journey

Ahadi Kamili has been instrumental in Ital Rabbits' journey, providing crucial support from the very beginning. In 2019, through their generosity, David received his first rabbit cage, which laid the foundation for what Ital Rabbits has become today. Their commitment to empowering young entrepreneurs has enabled us to scale our operations, improve our farming methods, and create employment opportunities. With Ahadi Kamili’s continued guidance and support, we are now focused on modernizing our farm to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and overall production. Together, we are building a future where innovative agribusiness solutions not only drive profitability but also uplift communities.